Fish Fry Fridays 2025
It’s time for Fish Fry Fridays! Savor the traditional cod sandwiches that keeps your mouth watering for Fridays at local fire departments and churches, or try something new from area businesses!
It’s time for Fish Fry Fridays! Savor the traditional cod sandwiches that keeps your mouth watering for Fridays at local fire departments and churches, or try something new from area businesses!
The possibilities for a new hobby in Greene County are endless. If you want to get physical, athletic programs and classes are waiting. Artistic individuals can get hands on with ceramics, crafting, and knitting/crocheting classes. Or head outdoors with our trails and waterways.
Plan a winter vacation to Greene County for rural farmland wrapped in a blanket in white during a winter snow.
This winter, venture outdoors and observe the vibrant wildlife surrounding you. Which avian species might you spot? Explore our guide to several of Greene County’s common winter bird residents.
The far southwestern corner of Pennsylvania looks on the surface to be a pleasant rolling, river-cut landscape carpeted with vegetation and trees. But underneath is a bloody history and a supernatural reality brimming with ghosts, aliens, and unknown creatures.
“Commercial” coal mining in Greene County began in 1902 when the Dilworth Coal Company produced 36,400 tons of Pittsburgh coal from its mine at Rices Landing on the Monongahela River. This appears to be the first mine in Greene County that was supervised and regulated by the Pennsylvania Department of Mines.