Partnership Program

The Greene County Tourist Promotion Agency’s Partnership Program provides invaluable exposure, information and education for businesses and organizations in Greene County.


Working together, we market Greene County’s history, recreation and small-town American feel as the place to visit. Through multiple marketing platforms such as print, radio, website and social media, we package Greene County as your destination.

Partnership Options

Basic Partnership ($50 per calendar year):
  • Online partnership directory listing at with a short description (maximum of 30 words).
  • Events open to the public and located in Greene County are included on the online event calendar.
  • Opportunity for brochure display in the Greene County Tourist Promotion Agency office.
  • Receive the weekly “This Week in Greene” e-blast communication showcasing upcoming Partner events, news and articles of interest in Greene County.
  • Share news from your business or organization in our weekly “This Week in Greene” e-blast communication that is sent out to over 600 recipients.
  • Invitation to the Annual Partnership Meeting.
Expanded Partnership ($75 per calendar year):
  • Basic Partnership benefits.
  • Expanded online partnership directory listing at with a photo and long description (maximum of 100 words).

Marketing Add-Ons

Additional marketing options that can be added on to any partnership level for specific campaigns.


Wedding Venues ($100 per calendar year):
  • Wedding Venues in Greene County will be included on a full-page ad in the WV Weddings Spring/Summer Issue, specialized digital campaigns throughout the year, and listed on our Wedding Venue webpage.


Car Shows ($25 per calendar year):
  • Car Shows and Cruises in Greene County can opt in to be featured in a full-color glossy brochure distributed to a mailing list with over 700 addresses, I-79 Welcome Center, Brochure Rack Card Literature Displays, and by Direct Request. The brochure will also be available for digital download on our website with each event listed on the online event calendar. Additional promotion efforts include email marketing, social media (@VisitGreene), print, and radio.

Our goal is to build Greene County as a destination and stimulate our economy by promoting the businesses, attractions and scenic natural beauty that make us unique. Partner with us today by completing the form below or downloading the PDF file. Payment may be made via check mailed to 19 S Washington St, Waynesburg, PA 15370 or credit card payments through Square.

  • Please make checks payable to Greene County Tourism and mail to 19 South Washington Street, Waynesburg, PA 15370
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.