Veteran's organization consisting of The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary, The Son's of the American Legion and the Legion Riders.
Phone Number
(724) 592-6538
133 Carmichaels St, Rices Landing, PA 15357
The Carmichaels Area Historical Society is dedicated to scanning, digitizing and saving regional and local historical items for past and present residents of Carmichaels and the towns of Cumberland Township.
Phone Number
(724) 710-9248
314 N Market St, Carmichaels, PA 15320
The primary social service agency of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, serving all, regardless of religious affiliation, at their time of great need.

Website Address
Phone Number
(724) 627-6410
72 E High St, Waynesburg, PA 15370
Center for Coalfield Justice
Our mission is to improve policy and regulations for the oversight of fossil fuel extraction and use; to educate, empower and organize coalfield residents; and to protect public and environmental health.
Phone Number
(724) 229-3550
31 E Chestnut St, Suite 102, Washington, PA 15301
Community Foundation of Greene County
The Community Foundation of Greene County is the central philanthropic vehicle to maintain and enhance the educational, social, health and civic resources of the community through support of qualified nonprofit organizations.
Website Address
Phone Number
(724) 627-2010
108 East High Street, Waynesburg, PA 15370
Non-profit network of Federally Qualified Community Heath Centers (FQHC) and practices serving communities throughout southwestern Pennsylvania and northern West Virginia.

Website Address
Phone Number
(724) 943-3308
7 Glassworks Rd, Greensboro, PA 15338
Consisting of a stone section built c. 1790 as an Episcopal church and a brick section constructed in 1810, Greene Academy became the first school of higher learning west of the Allegheny Mountains. More than 850 children attended the Academy until it closed the doors in 1893. Among the many graduates of Greene Academy are notably A.B. Miller, Albert B. Cummins and Thomas S. Crago. Greene Academy holds free classes in painting, scrapbooking, crafting and more.
Phone Number
(724) 966-2731
314 N Market St, Carmichaels, PA 15320
Greene Arc is a private, non-profit agency that provides Vocational, Residential, Day Support and Advocacy Services to individuals with disabilities.
Website Address
Phone Number
(724) 627-5511
197 Dunn Station Rd, Prosperity, PA 15329
Greene County United Way
Greene County United Way organizes and coordinates community resources to address human service needs.
Phone Number
(724) 852-1009
748 E High St, Waynesburg, PA 15370
Website Address
Phone Number
(724) 324-2015
295 Mount Morris Rd, Mt Morris, PA 15349
Volunteer fire department serving the residents of Rices Landing Borough, Jefferson Township and Cumberland Township.
Website Address
Phone Number
(724) 592-5765
66 Bayard Avenue, Rices Landing, PA 15357
Phone Number
(724) 852-1479
131 W 1st St, Waynesburg, PA 15370
Waynesburg-Franklin Twp Volunteer Fire Company
The dedicated volunteer firefighters of Waynesburg-Franklin Township Volunteer Fire Company stand ready to serve their community 24/7.
Website Address
Phone Number
724-627-5426 (For emergencies dial 911)
116 E Greene St, Waynesburg, PA 15370
Waynesburg Prosperous & Beautiful
A main street program that operates in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Downtown Center to emphasize critical time-sensitive stabilization and revitalization of the historic downtown business district.
Website Address
Phone Number