Allison No. 1 Mine & Coke Works, Coke Ovens, South of mining complex, East side of Redstone Creek, Allison, Fayette County, PA

Coke & Coke Ovens

The invention of the beehive oven was a major advance in the production of coke. Beehive ovens were large masonry domes and named according to their shape. Constructed in long rows for ease of loading and unloading, workers would bring the coal from the nearby mines, dump the coal in the opening in the top, ignite the coal and seal the ovens to let the coal smolder.

Family Tree

Researching Your Family Tree

If you’re traveling down the family ancestry road and have found a familial connection with Greene County roots, Greene County offers a myriad of research options covering all aspects of our history. From libraries to a museum, courthouse records or living relatives, a visit to Greene County can help you fill in the missing pieces for your genealogical research.

Overview of Waynesburg University campus.

Bricks and Legends

Back then, a college education included rolling up your sleeves and helping build whatever wall the college needed. Professor Alfred Miller put his students to work on the college expansion of the 1870s. They built a reservoir in the commons by digging clay that was used to make the 1,400,012 bricks for Miller Hall.

Remembering the Rain Day Boys

Every year during the Rain Day celebration, the Waynesburg community takes a moment to remember and honor the brave men of Company K, 110th Infantry, 28th Division who gave the ultimate sacrifice during World War I between July 28 and 29, 1918. The 18 young men are known as our “Rain Day Boys.”